M.I. (Inés) Crespo

Current research

On the semantics of relative gradable adjectives. On a Merleau-Pontyian contribution to embodied intentionality. On contextual approaches to metaphor. On angst and affect.

Doctoral research

PhD in Philosophy 2010-15, ILLC - University of Amsterdam.
"Affecting meaning. Subjectivity and evaluativity in gradable adjectives", supervised by prof. dr. Martin Stokhof, prof. dr. Frank Veltman and prof. dr. Robert van Rooij. (Listed under Publications.)

Master's research

MSc in Logic 2007-09, ILLC - University of Amsterdam.
"Normativity and interaction: from ethics to semantics", supervised by prof. dr. Martin Stokhof. (Listed under Publications.)

Undergraduate research

Licenciatura in Philosophy 2001-06, specialised in logic and epistemology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
"Contextual approaches to the truth predicate", supervised by prof. dr. Luis A. Urtubey. (Listed under Publications.)

Membership to research teams

Research project: “Modalities and propositional attitudes: historical and philosophical antecedes and new logical & semantic perspectives” (Modalidades y actitudes proposicionales: precedentes histórico-filosóficos y nuevas perspectivas lógico-semánticas), Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: member of research team. Director: Prof. Dr. L.A. Urtubey.

Research project: “Actions and practices in philosophy of logic and philosophy of mathematical practice” (Acciones y Prácticas en Filosofía de la Lógica y Filosofía de la Práctica Matemática), Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: member of research team. Director: Prof. Dr. L.A. Urtubey.

Research project: “A project to revitalise phenomenology: phenomenology of embodiment” (Proyecto de Revitalización de la Fenomenología: Fenomenología de la Corporeidad), National Agency of Scientific and Technologic Promotion, Min. of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. PICT-2014-2317. Director: Dr. Ariela Battán Horenstein.

Research project “Alternative notions of logical consequence for commonsense reasoning” (Nociones alternativas de consecuencia lógica para el razonamiento común), Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: member of research team. Res. SeCyT-UNC 162/12. Director: Dr. Diego Letzen.

Research project “Vagueness, Approximation, and Granularity” (231-80-004) funded by the Nederlandse Wetenschappelijke Organisatie (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research): member as PhD candidate. This project was a component of the EUROCORES Programme “Modelling Intelligent Interaction - Logic in the Humanities, Social and Computational Sciences”, coordinated by the European Science Foundation. The Amsterdam chapter of this consortium was led by Prof. Dr. Robert van Rooij.

Research project “Notions of logical consequence. Logico-philosophical and historical aspects” (Nociones de consecuencia lógica. Aspectos lógico-filosóficos e históricos), Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: member of research team. Res. SeCyT-UNC 214/2010. Director: Dr. Diego Letzen.

Research project “Models of non-standard inference, formal ontologies, and multi-agent systems” (Modelos de inferencia no estándar, ontologías formales y sistemas multi-agentes), Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: member of research team. Res. SeCyT-UNC 69/08. Director: Prof. dr. Luis A. Urtubey.

Research project: “Classical and alternative logico-philosophical justifications in precise and approximate reasoning. New models for non-standard inference, visualization and formal ontologies”, National Agency of Scientific and Technologic Promotion, Min. of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. PICT-2007-01606. Director: Prof. Dr. Horacio Faas.

Research project: “Contextual accounts in logic, ontologies and multi-agent systems”, Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: member of research team. Res. SeCyT 162/06. Director: Prof. dr. Luis A. Urtubey.

Research project: “Logics for contextual reasoning, multiple agents and vagueness”, Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC): member of research team. Res. SeCyT 197/05. Director: Prof. dr. Luis A. Urtubey.